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The Different Species of Wood Available for Flooring

Types of wood

It’s important to remember that there are many different species of wood available for flooring applications. Each type has unique characteristics and attributes that make it suitable for certain applications and less suitable for others. Some offer more strength and durability, while others provide excellent resistance against moisture and allergens. This blog post contains useful information about some of the different species of wood available for flooring.


Bamboo offers many of the same advantages and benefits associated with other hardwood flooring types. It’s ecologically friendly, easy to maintain, and relatively cost-effective. The strong material also provides resistance against water, allergens and insects, helping to increase its lifespan.

Cypress Pine

Native to Australia, cypress pine boasts excellent strength that minimises damage and increases longevity. It features golden brown colours with pale cream or yellow highlights as well as stylish decorative knots that add character.


Ironbark is known for its deep and rich colours as well as its extreme hardness and moderately coarse texture. It can display various colours, ranging from pale brown through to dark reds and more.


Jarrah is highly sought after for both residential and commercial flooring. This is because its incredible hardness and density makes it highly resistant to termites and other insect attacks.

New England Oak

Native to New South Wales, New England Oak features even textures, variable grain and prominent growth rings. Available colours can range from soft yellows through to pinkish browns.

Spotted Gum

Spotted gum is commonly found throughout the east coast of Australia. Featuring wavy grains that produce aesthetically beautiful ripple effects, it’s available in colours ranging from pale browns through to rich chocolate browns.

Tasmanian Oak

As its name suggests, Tasmania Oak is commonly found throughout Tasmania. Its excellent stability makes it ideal for environments that are prone to extreme weather, such as scorching heat and torrential rain.

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Quicksand Flooring is the number one destination for timber floor sanding, polishing and installation. If you’d like to learn more about the different species of wood available for flooring, we’re happy to help. Give us a call on 0451 326 307 or message us online for a prompt response.